Utah State Parks

Utah State Parks
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Saturday, June 7, 2014

Bradleigh's High School Graduation

What is it about Pomp and Circumstance that brings tears to my eyes?  The march, composed by Edward Elgar in 1901, is played over and over again at most graduation ceremonies.  The title comes from Shakespeare's Othello - "Farewell the neighing steed and the shrill trump....pride, pomp and circumstance of glorious war."  The march elicits many emotions in me....pride, relief, sadness, apprehension, and accomplishment.   It just doesn't seem possible my first grandchild is already graduating from high school, when it seem like just a few yesterdays that she came into the world.  My heart swelled with pride all evening as I thought about her accomplishments.  She's just a beautiful person, inside and out.
CHS Graduates walk to pre-arranged chairs on the football field.  Some years parents and students feel tense when clouds form because the ceremony then moves inside the auditorium.  The sun warmed us as we sat on the bleachers!  John and Karen like to arrive early and they snagged the upper seats with a nice backrest.  Jacob played games on his phone while we waited.  

 Bradleigh marched in with other class and ASB leaders, she being Class Public Relations.  
The dignitaries listening to the Star Spangled Banner.
A proud moment for us hearing her name and watching her walk across the stage!  She, as an ASB officer got to read a long list of names.  I liked what Paige Frazier, the teacher-speaker, said.  "Create your own Hall of Fame - be awesome whoever you are and whatever you choose to do."  Mrs. Frazier teaches English and told cute stories about the seniors and their antics over the past four years.
 Mom, Dad, and brother Jake!
The Grandmas - Theresa and Delores
The Aunts - Jerri and Kathy

 Proud grandparents
 Jacob and Bradleigh
 Bradleigh and her namesake, Bradley Kime

 Classmates - Bradleigh, Zoe Knopes, Kayla Dice, Kianna Arthur, Breanne Norland, Kierra Ryan, Amber Leavey

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