I've never been much of a list maker, but today I wasn't sure where to begin with all the things I wanted to do on a rare Monday off. So I made a list.
I know now why people write lists - just to cross things off. Honestly, it felt good! And I stayed on task all morning. My Residential Care Administrator's license expires next month and since I'm still filling in part time at Juniper Meadows I need to get 12 CEU's by October 1st. I can do it online through Silverchair Learning Centers and I managed to get #7 done today. Five more to go!
Granola Done!
My walking shoes had not been cleaned since my last blackberry picking trip!
Voila! Good as new!
My friend, Grace, got a new freezer so she gave me her old one and now I have room for the frozen tomatoes!
I'll just have to remember to thaw them out when I want to make lasagna or spaghetti sauce or tomato basil soup!
An added bonus!
I spent a little time cleaning out some kitchen drawers and found this lovely card and money amongst my dish cloths. Oh, my pathetic memory - hadn't even missed the money and it was given to me in January as an honorarium for helping Marcia with a presentation in Pomeroy!
Felt good to get all these projects finished before noon!
The furniture is dusted, floors are scrubbed and my reward is to do a little blogging. I'm saving the bike ride until rush hour traffic subsides this evening.
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