Utah State Parks

Utah State Parks
Hiking Wild Horse Canyon

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Thanks Be To God!

These are words we Catholics say after the first and second readings and at the time of dismissal.  Theresa Rickard, OP, writes in the Living With Christ periodical, "these words help us to stop, to notice, to appreciate our daily blessings, and, most importantly, to give thanks always and in everything and everyone."  I had planned to ride my bike to Asotin this morning, but it's raining!!  In everything give thanks????  When I was a little girl I remember the rainy days of summer being a kind of a respite from the busy, work days.  Those memories came back to me today and I looked at the day ahead in a whole new way.  Maybe I could put the Easter decorations away.  It would also be a great day to wash windows.  Or read.  Or go back to bed.  Or get out the quilting project.  Or bake banana bread. Or organize pictures and work on my archives.  Way more choices than I'd have if it was a beautiful, sunny day.

Theresa Rickard also suggests that we embrace one of the Rules of St. Benedict and say "Deo Gratias" or thanks be to God whenever a stranger knocks at the door or a beggar asks for assistance.  I've been back at work at Juniper Meadows for about six weeks now. One resident named Phyllis is very happy that I'm back.  Her face lights up when I walk in and she always reaches out her hand to touch me.  Yesterday she must've come to my office door 10 times!  For some reason she has the need to tell me where she is.  I had a lot of "work" to do and found myself getting a little irritated by her constant interruptions.  Why?  She always tells me how much she loves me or how special I am.  Wouldn't it be better if I could just say thanks be to God the next time she shuffles to my door?

So, on this rainy June morning, I'm inspired to blog my "thanks be to God" moments, beginning with this rainy day and my sweet Phyllis.  Who knows what else might end up in this journal by the end of of this rainy day?

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